The journals of Lois Lyda. Finding beauty in the imperfections of motherhood, life, faith.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Coming Back

Much has happened since April. I won't attempt to fill you in. Better to pick up where I am now. . .

"How will you do it with a newborn?" "You know, it would make your life a whole lot easier if you just sent Emmanuel to school." Despite the seeming difficulty of having four children age five and under; despite having just had a baby; despite the timing being in every way terrible, last week I began homeschooling.

It's one thing for family and friends to be surprised; surprising yourself is even better! A deep breath and a pious prayer, I entered into the first day with a "Here goes something." But the day flew by, and I actually enjoyed myself. Really and truly, it was joy. Was I anticipating torture? (Dutiful self-sacrifice perhaps.) At any rate, the joy is what most surprised me. Joy of learning myself (it's about time I started learning all the states and capitols). Joy of putting years of education to practical use. Joy of seeing faces light up and "lightbulbs" turn on.

Perhaps I was aiming too low when I set my first homeschooling goal: to rear respectful, civilized humans! This goal even now seems superfluous: since embarking on this new role of teacher-mommy, my 5-year old has gone from answering "yes, Ma'am" to "yes, Queen Mommy" to "yes, Your Excellency," all of his own accord. Now for goal two: learn to read.

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