The journals of Lois Lyda. Finding beauty in the imperfections of motherhood, life, faith.

Friday, October 15, 2010

yo ho yo ho a bloggers life for me

I've turned 29 and turned the pages of modernity from private journaling to public blogging. After blogging a few entries on our family website, it just seemed more fitting to have my own cyber “pages” to type thoughts that are purely mine, not necessarily a reflection of our family as a whole. So, i tried to come up with some creative name for my personal blog; “mummylyda” or “sophiadawning” (my christian name) or “chronicles of motherhood”. In the course of picking a title, I decided that i didn’t necessarily want to limit my blog to motherhood, but that in a way, becoming a mother (of the full-time kind), is what compelled me to start blogging in the first place. After Eden was born, writing became not only a secret ambition, but a secret sanity. Somehow, her birth enabled me, (though burdened by sin, time, weariness, and vocabulary deprivation) to enter into this public journal writing stuff fully aware of my imperfections yet able to say "what the heck, there will never be a perfect post", and be okay with someone else potentially reading my raw, heart-felt thoughts.
While motherhood this is the most consuming aspect of my life at present, it may not always be the most central theme of my blogging. Perhaps I may write more about other topics, marriage, writing, orthodoxy, or perhaps the blog will assume a purpose beyond my current imaginings. As of now, I simply want an avenue to write where the art of writing itself doesn’ t have to be such an introverted and lonely pursuit. It is my hope that in the course of googling, someone might stumble upon my blog who shares a similar experience with me. While I am new at this, it is my intention to be as honest and real as possible, even at the risk of embarassment and blushing. Wish me well in my new venture! More to come soon . . .

1 comment:

  1. I really, really love your blog! It seems like we have a lot in common, even our age and children's ages.

    I have to know: how close are your youngest going to be? Our third will be about 19 months old when this baby is born and that is as close as ours will be. The other gaps are 21 months and 24 months.
    I hope your pregnancy is going well!
